Enrollment Dash Powered by Clark Higher Ed


·         Visual – A block on the dashboard containing information.  It could be numbers, a chart, a map, or a table.

·         Control – A drop down that allows you to select how much or what type of data you wish to see on the dashboard.

·         Slice and Dice – Using the controls to filter your funnel data to see the results of various combinations of selected data with the controls.

·         Icons - when clicked, alter the dashboard in some way.

·         Ellipsis – A series of 3 dots that provide access to a menu when clicking on them.

When you open the enrollment dashboard, and it loads in your web browser, the Controls are expanded so you can choose what settings you want to use to view your data. Clark Higher Ed stores each weekly full funnel that you send so the controls will allow to be selected

These are the controls you can use to select your full funnel data and each is explained in this same order.

As of Date, Term,  Student Type,  Status Code, Gender,  Major,  Athlete,  Ethnicity

In the controls section of the dashboard, the controls can be collapsed by clicking the icon   or expanded by clicking the icon  in the upper right corner of the dashboard. (The controls will be automatically expanded when the page is first loaded).

Control: As of Date

Reading from left to right we start with the “As of Date” control.  This date is the date you sent the full funnel to Clark Higher Ed. As files are received, the date is saved in the format “yyyy-mm-dd”.  This control will drop-down when clicked, to allow you to select whatever point in time you want to see the dashboard data. “As of Date” is used in the selection process for every visual on the dashboard.

Control: Term

The Next control is “Term”.  Place the cursor over the “Term” control and click it to show the drop down to use for selecting all terms or a particular term. The term is the way you define term in your funnel. “Term” is used in the selection process for every visual on the dashboard.

Control: Student Type

The “Student Type” control affects chart and table visuals when you use it to select a particular status code. The student type values are the student types you provide in your funnel. All the charts and tables use student type in their data selection. It does not control selections for any of the visuals that are only numbers such as Current Inquiries and YTD Admits. These controls always contain all student types.

Control: Status Code

The “Status Code” control affects chart and table visuals when you use it to select a particular status code. The status code values are the status codes you provide in your funnel. All the charts and tables use status code in their data selection. It does not control selections for any of the visuals that are only numbers such as Current Inquiries and YTD Admits. These controls always contain all status codes.

Control: Gender

The “Gender” control affects chart and table visuals when you use it to select a particular gender. The values of gender are the ones you provide in your funnel. All the charts and tables use gender in their data selection. It does not control selections for any of the visuals that are only numbers such as Current Inquiries and YTD Admits. These controls always contain all genders.

Control: Major

The “Major” control affects chart and table visuals when you use it to select a particular major. The values of major are the ones you provide in your funnel. All the charts and tables use major in their data selection. It does not control selections for any of the visuals that are only numbers such as Current Inquiries and YTD Admits. These controls always contain all majors.

Control: Athlete

The “Athlete” control affects chart and table visuals when you use it to select a particular athlete value. The values of athlete are the ones you provide in your funnel. All the charts and tables use athlete in their data selection. It does not control selections for any of the visuals that are only numbers such as Current Inquiries and YTD Admits. These controls always contain all athlete types.

Control: Ethnicity

The “Ethnicity” control affects chart and table visuals when you use it to select a particular ethnicity. The ethnicity values are the ethnicity codes you provide in your funnel. All the charts and tables use ethnicity in their data selection. It does not control selections for any of the visuals that are only numbers such as Current Inquiries and YTD Admits. These controls always contain all ethnicities.

Icons that are available to you on your dashboard at the top of the dashboard and below the logo.

Reset Undo Redo and Export

This icon will refresh the dashboard, but not the entire page.

This icon will undo the most recent changes you have made on the dashboard.

This icon will redo the most recent changes that have been undone

This is the export icon.  When the dashboard is first opened, it will be visible after the dashboard is fully loaded.  If it is not visible, simply refresh the page.

          When this icon is clicked, the choice to Print or Download as PDF show up as menu items.  Either item can be clicked, and the action will be performed for the dashboard.


Maximize / Minimize icon for all Visuals

To make any visual expand to its largest size, click on the maximize icon.  This icon will become visible when you click on a visual.  It will always be in the upper outside corner of the selected visual. The icon is a toggle, if the visual is maximized, clicking the icon will minimize the visual and vice versa.

Ellipsis icon for some Visuals

The table visual has an ellipsis icon, that when clicked will present an additional menu. Select the desired menu and click it to choose the option. The main reason you would use this is to always show totals by pinning them to the bottom of the visual.